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Mickey 17 (2025)

Mickey 17 (2025) - Movie Poster. The movie poster features a group of individuals dressed in green military-style uniforms, with goggles covering their eyes, creating a uniform appearance. The background is a gradient of yellow and orange hues. At the top, the text reads, "FROM BONG JOON HO THE DIRECTOR OF PARASITE." Below this, the title "MICKEY 17" is prominently displayed in large, bold letters. The names "ROBERT PATTINSON," "NAOMI ACKIE," "STEVEN YEUN," "TONI COLLETTE," and "MARK RUFFALO" are listed below the title. The tagline "HE'S DYING TO SAVE MANKIND" is situated above the title. At the bottom, the text indicates that the movie is produced by Warner Bros. Pictures and is set to be released in theaters on March 7, 2025. The poster also includes the logos of various production companies and the IMAX logo, suggesting that the movie will be available in IMAX format.

Mickey 17 (2025)

R 137 min - Opens 7 March 2025
Science Fiction, Comedy, Drama
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Overview: Mickey Barnes, an “expendable” employee, is sent on a human expedition to colonize the ice world Niflheim. After one iteration dies, a new body is regenerated with most of his memories intact. With one regeneration, though, things go very wrong.
Tagline: He's dying to save mankind.

Collections:        Bong Joon-ho
Composer:       Jung Jae-il
Cinematographer:    Darius Khondji
Original Title:      Mickey 17
Author:         Edward Ashton


Official Website:
Country:         United Kingdom United States of America
Language:       English
Release Date:    7 March 2025
Budget:     $118,000,000

Technical Specs

Runtime:  2 h 17 min
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Summary / Coverage of Mickey 17 (2025)

The Wrap – ‘Mickey 17’ Review: Robert Pattinson Is Comedy Gold in Bong Joon-ho’s Madcap Sci-Fi Satire


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