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Dumb Money (2023)

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R 104 min - Opens 15 September 2023
Comedy, Drama, History
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Tagline: When Wall Street rigged the game, he changed it.

Internet commenter Keith Gill sinks his life savings into GameStop stock and posts about it. When his social posts start blowing up, so do his life and the lives of everyone following him. As a stock tip becomes a movement, everyone gets rich—until the billionaires fight back, and both sides find their worlds turned upside down.

Director:   Craig Gillespie
Writers:     Lauren Schuker Blum, Rebecca Angelo
Collections:        Craig Gillespie
Composer:       Will Bates
Cinematographer:    Nicolas Karakatsanis
Original Title:      Dumb Money


Official Website:
Country:         United States of America
Language:       English
Release Date:    15 September 2023

Company Credits

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 44 min
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