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Fast Charlie (2023)

Fast Charlie - Movie Poster

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NR 90 min - Opens 8 December 2023
Action, Thriller
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When his aging mob boss is whacked, Charlie Swift, a loyal friend and hired gun, will stop at nothing to bring down the new crew coming up that took him out.

Director:   Phillip Noyce
Writers:     Richard Wenk
Collections:        Phillip Noyce
Composer:       Fil Eisler
Cinematographer:    Warwick Thornton
Original Title:      Fast Charlie
Author:         Victor Gischler


Country:         United States of America
Language:       English, Română
Release Date:    8 December 2023

Company Credits

Production Companies:  Foresight Unlimited, Screen Media Films

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 30 min
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