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Medusa Deluxe (2022)

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Medusa Deluxe (2023) Related Products to Movie: Medusa Deluxe

R 101 min - Opens 11 August 2023
Comedy, Mystery, Thriller
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Tagline: Murder. Obsession. Hairdressing.

Talented and cutthroat hairstylists at a competition find one of their own murdered before judging can begin. Winding through neon-lit halls, competitors unspool long-simmering resentments and lies as they search for the killer among them.

Director:   Thomas Hardiman
Writers:     Thomas Hardiman
Collections:        Thomas Hardiman
Cinematographer:    Robbie Ryan
Original Title:      Medusa Deluxe


Country:         United Kingdom
Language:       English
Release Date:    11 August 2023

Company Credits

Production Companies:  EMU Films, BBC Film, BFI, Time Based Arts

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 41 min
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