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Napoleon (2023)

Napoleon - Movie Poster

Napoleon (2023) Related Products to Movie: Napoleon

R 158 min - Opens 22 November 2023
History, Drama, War
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Tagline: He came from nothing. He conquered everything.

A personal look at the French military leader’s origins and swift, ruthless climb to emperor, viewed through the prism of Napoleon’s addictive, volatile relationship with his wife and one true love, Josephine.

Director:   Ridley Scott
Writers:     David Scarpa
Stars:      Joaquin Phoenix, Vanessa Kirby, Tahar Rahim, John Hollingworth, Youssef Kerkour, Davide Tucci, Edouard Philipponnat, Ludivine Sagnier, Matthew Needham, Erin Ainsworth, Thom Ashley, Anna Mawn, Gavin Spokes, Jonathan Barnwell, Hannah Flynn, Phil Cornwell, Cormac Hyde-Corrin, Cesare Taurasi, Arthur McBain, David Verrey, Jean-Pascal Heynemand, Ed Hughes, Paul Riddell, Thea Achillea, Loris Monet, Tim Faulkner, Riana Duce, Paul O'Kelly, Robert William Carlisle, Ed Eales White, Clyde Vassallo, Sean Vassallo, Sophie Lund, Saulius Cajauskas, Alexis Bennett, Jacob Marshfield, Nathan Pollard
Collections:        Ridley Scott
Composer:       Martin Phipps
Cinematographer:    Dariusz Wolski
Original Title:      Napoleon


Official Website:
Country:         Malta United Kingdom United States of America
Language:       English, French
Release Date:    22 November 2023
Budget:     $165,000,000

Company Credits

Technical Specs

Runtime:  2 h 38 min
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